5 Symptoms of False Humility


While humility is a virtue we should celebrate and encourage, it's essential to recognize how we may be expressing false humility.

Humility is a highly regarded virtue in society. It’s often associated with modesty, selflessness, and a genuine lack of arrogance. However, some cleverly disguise their true intentions behind a facade of humility. There are at least five common ways people appear humble without embodying this virtue. First, let’s examine what humility is.

In Matthew 19:30, Jesus said, “Many who are first will be last, and the last first” (CSB). The disciples were pondering the end result of their investment in ministry. Jesus’s remark shows that the focus of our ministry is not the end result for ourselves. We have chosen a life of being last, but Jesus will bring us to the head of the line. To demand our place now smacks like the prodigal calling for his inheritance early.

In Matthew 20:16, Jesus said, “So the last will be first, and the first last” (CSB). The parable of the vineyard workers shows the Savior’s generosity in that regardless of when someone comes to faith, the result is heaven. The problem arises when those who have “worked” all day want something more. Jesus calls out their attitude of entitlement and demands humility.

Definitions of humility

The humble leader recognizes they didn’t get there alone and refuses to take the credit. He has no problems acknowledging the good things he and the church have now didn’t come from only him. The humble leader generates interest in others by shining a light on them. They see people as opportunities to meet needs rather than opportunities to get ahead.

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Insights, Personal Development, appear humble, aren't humble, humble, humility, look humble, ways we appear humble, ways we look humble