Monday - August 29, 2022


“For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.” – Jude 1:4

In his article entitled “Charlatans, Heretics, and One-Trick Ponies: The Danger of Theological Distractions”, Pastor Daryl Wingerd summarizes by saying: “So, how can you avoid these potentially harmful distractions? First, make sure you are solidly and faithfully involved in a biblically sound local church where the pastor(s) are ‘keeping watch over your soul as those who will have to give an account’ (Hebrews 13:17). Second, study the Bible yourself, and make sure what you are being taught squares with what you read. Third, if anything seems out of order with someone you’ve been reading or listening to, ask your pastor for help sorting things out. Lastly, be wary about receiving the bulk of your instruction in the open and unguarded forum of the Internet, television, or Christian bookstores. There is much good to be found in these places, but Satan is also present and active with his schemes as much as he ever was in any place.”

There are many imposters trying to lead people astray. Today in prayer, thank the Lord that as we study the Bible, we get to know better the only true God, Jesus Christ.  

“By entertaining of strange persons, men sometimes entertain angels unawares: but by entertaining strange doctrines, many have entertained devils unawares.” – John Flavel

God’s Word: “They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.” – Titus 1:16