Tuesday - August 30, 2022


“These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.” – Jude 1:16

People will find just about anything to grumble about. Below are actual customer complaints:
“The water in the Gulf of Mexico was too salty. No one told me that there was going to be salt in the water. It was gross.”

Another wrote: “We had to cut our trip short to Yellowstone because we were informed that they don’t cage the animals at night for our protection. This is just dangerous and unacceptable.”

One visitor after visiting Stonehenge: “It’s a bunch of rocks... in a field.”

Another wrote: “My plane journey was a disappointment as the sky was too cloudy, obstructing my children’s view of the sea and ruining our game of eye-spy.”

Finally, one holidaymaker moaned: “The maid who cleaned our room made our towel into a swan shape. I don't like swans.”

Grumbling begets grumbling. When we complain we are only practicing for our next complaint. Today in prayer, confess any constant grumbling in your own life and seek to find peace in Jesus Christ.

“By murmuring you undo your prayers, for it is exceedingly contrary to the prayer that you make to God. When you come to pray to God, you acknowledge his sovereignty over you, you come there to profess yourselves to be at God's disposal.” - B.J. Stockman

God’s Word: “Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!” – James 5:9