Proclaim His Name

Friday – November 11, 2022


“In that day you will say: “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.” – Isaiah 12:4

Paul Eshelman is responsible for most of the Jesus films being sent around the world. He's sent millions of them. He was talking one time about the Jesus film being shown at a refugee camp in Mozambique, Africa. He said most of those folks had never heard of Jesus, never heard anything about the Bible. They just fell in love with Jesus through the Jesus film; but when Jesus was arrested, beaten, and led away to be crucified, they began to weep and wail and rush to the screen. They created such a stir, such noise, and such dust that they had to stop the film.

Eshelman went on to say, "Finally things settled down, and they could start the film again. Then they realized that the crucifixion wasn't the end of the story." When Jesus was resurrected, "The crowd exploded as if a dam had burst. Everyone began cheering and dancing and hugging one another and jumping up and down." The invitation was given, and more than 500 people, almost everybody in the crowd, came forward. The next day that 40-member Mozambique refuge church had 500 new members who had come to be a part of the worship service.

When we realize the marvelous work of Christ’s resurrection, our souls cannot help but praise Him. Today in prayer, praise Jesus that He has conquered death and gives everlasting life.

“The great thing, and the only thing, is to adore and praise GOD.” – Thomas Merton

God’s Word: “Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!” – Psalm 105:1