Wednesday - August 24, 2022


“I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” - Philemon 1:6

In 1988, Thomas Johnson, an ex-convict and drug addict, drifted onto Nantucket Island in Massachusetts and burrowed eight feet under the surface in a remote corner of a Boy

Scouts Campground.  He lived in the hole for 10 years, a refugee from the confusion of society.

Then in 1998, a deer hunter stumbled over his stovepipe and informed the authorities.  His fears of the outside world were quickly justified when police, federal, and state agents raided his lair and papered the walls with citations.

The state health inspector even cited the Scouts for having an unapproved dwelling on their property.

The underground hermit is philosophical about it all.  “God told me it was time to come out of the hole,” he told the Boston Globe.

God does not want us to retreat from the world or become like the world. We need to share our faith in the good news of Jesus Christ with others. Today in prayer, thank the Lord for His Gospel and share His good news with others.

“The real problem of Christianity is not atheism or skepticism, but the non-witnessing Christian trying to smuggle his own soul into heaven.” – James S. Stewart

God’s Word: “He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe.” – John 1:7