Wednesday - August 14, 2024


“Be very strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or to the left.” – Joshua 23:6

When John Newton, the composer of the hymn “Amazing Grace,” lost his wife, Polly, his reaction was not what people expected. The next day he resumed his duties as a pastor, including preaching three sermons and also preaching her funeral sermon. As he wrote to a friend shortly after Polly’s death, “The Lord strengthened me, and I was strong. … It was the Lord’s doing, and it was marvelous in my own eyes and in the eyes of my friends.

Indeed, some who knew me not said it was overdone and charged me with a want of feelings.” Through many writings and sermons afterward, it was clear he felt great joy over the knowledge that Polly was saved and is now living in heaven.

Be strong in Christ, and do not be timid in following Him. Today, in prayer, thank Christ for His wonderful love towards you and seek to follow Him in all that you do.

“It does not require great learning to be a Christian and to be convinced of the truth of the Bible. It requires only an honest heart and a willingness to obey God.” – Albert Barnes

God’s Word: “And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.” – 2 John 1:6